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Institute for Automatisation and Electronics


The Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering (IAE) is an interdisciplinary institution for teaching, research and development in the fields of automation and electrical engineering.



Wasserstoff – grünes Gas für Bremerhaven Teilvorhaben Microgrid

Development of a sector-coupled energy generation unit that serves to provide electrical energy, heat and hydrogen. The hydrogen is generated within the microgrid itself, stored and converted back into electricity if required.

IWAS - Lune Delta

Design of cellular microgrids for the green, self-sufficient energy supply of the green Lune Delta industrial park. Here, a microgrid storage solution based on an integral storage system portfolio consisting of hydrogen, battery, supercapacitor systems and drainage storage systems in the Lune Delta is investigated in detail.


Systematic identification and naming of possible 100 MW electrolyser sites in the Bremerhaven urban area. In addition to the structural transmission capacity of the electrical distribution and transmission networks, the local application of hydrogen was also included in the site selection.
