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Academic self-administration

Board elections of the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is not generally organised and managed "from the top down". Most decisions are made in bodies that represent the groups concerned. There is the student self-administration, the academic self-administration, the departmental councils and other group-specific bodies.
The student members are elected every year, the members from the professorial and staff bodies every two years.

Result of the grace period

2nd publication of the election proposals for the 2023/24 committee elections

Sufficient nominations were received within the grace period for submitting nominations. At its meeting on 7 December 2023, the Election Commission decided on the 2nd and thus final publication of the election proposals. A list of the nominations/candidates can be found in the link below.

We would like to thank all those who have put themselves forward as candidates and wish them every success.

Board elections

Call for cooperation! Formation of an election commission

The time has come again in autumn: the preparation phase for the committee elections at the end of January/beginning of February starts. The Academic Senate appointed the members of the Election Commission at its meeting on June 20, 2023. Unfortunately, we are still looking for a substitute for the group of students.
If you are interested in serving, please send an email to the address of the Election Commission ( Thank you in advance.


How to apply

This fall, the time has come again for the next committee elections, which are scheduled to take place at the end of January/beginning of February 2024, to enter the preparatory phase.

Basic principles
The election regulations of HS Bremerhaven stipulate in §4 that an election commission chaired by the chancellor is responsible for handling the process. All status groups are represented in this election commission with one member and one deputy member each. The term of office of all members of the current election commission expires this year with the appointment of the next election commission.
The period of office of the new Election Commission is two years for all members exept the student group representatives. There term is limited to one year.
It starts from the appointment by the Academic Senate at its meeting on June 20, 2023 and ends with the appointment of members for a new Election Commission.

What's coming up for me?
The time to be invested for the work in the election commission amounts to approximately three to four meetings of about 20-30 minutes, in which the respective decisions are made, as well as two to three hours for the counting on election day. Punctuality and reliability are of particular importance, as the meetings of the election commission must follow a strictly defined schedule, taking into account the legal deadlines. Of course, for the employees, the activity in the election commission is recognized as working time.

If you are interested in cooperation on the Election Commission,
please contact us by mail at or by phone at 0471-4823 386.
We are still looking for a substitute for the group of students.


Results of the board elections

The results of the elections for the Academic Senate and the departmental councils with terms of office from 01 April 2023 have been announced.