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Academic self-administration

Board elections of the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is not generally organised and managed "from the top down". Most decisions are made in bodies that represent the groups concerned. There is the student self-administration, the academic self-administration, the departmental councils and other group-specific bodies.
The student members are elected every year, the members from the professorial and staff bodies every two years.

Current Election notices

Board election 2024-2025 Election of members to the Academic Senate and to the faculty  councils

In January 2025, the elections for the members of the Academic Senate and the faculty councils of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences will take place for the term of office starting 01.04.2025.
Further information can be found in the election regulations linked below.

On 04.11.2024, we published the current election notice and the writable form template for the election proposal here. English translation of the form template ist available after download by mouse over.
You can view the electoral roll after logging into Elli.

Take part in the self-administration of the university. We would like to explicitly encourage women to stand for election.

We thank for every election proposal.

All election documents at a glance

Result of the grace period

2nd publication of the election proposals for the 2024/25 committee elections

Sufficient nominations were received within the grace period for submitting nominations. At its meeting on 5 December 2024, the Election Commission decided on the 2nd and thus final publication of the election proposals. A list of the nominations/candidates can be found in the link below.

We would like to thank all those who have put themselves forward as candidates and wish them every success.

Results of the board elections

The results of the elections for the Academic Senate and the departmental councils with terms of office from 01 April 2024 have been announced.

Results of the board elections

Election period 2022-23

As the term of office for elected committee members is one year for students, but two years for all others, you can also find the results of the 2022-23 committee election with the current committee members of the status groups here

- Professors
- Academic staff members
- Technical and administrative staff.

The student representatives will remain in office until 31.03.2024, after which the newly elected representatives will take over on 01.04.2024.