Faculty 2 Management and Information systems
Faculty 2 - Management and Information Systems comprises 9 Bachelor's and 3 Master's degree programmes at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.
TOP Themen
Dean Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Feldmeier
The Dean chairs the Faculty Council and the Dean's Office. He defines the guidelines for the Dean's Office and represents the department within the university and in supra-regional subject and degree programme-specific committees.
Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Birgit Vock-Wannewitz
The Vice Dean fulfils the Dean's duties in coordination with the Dean in the event of absence. She supports the Dean in the utilisation of the funds, positions and facilities allocated to the department.
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Dieter Heimann
The Dean of Studies is responsible for teaching and study matters. In particular, he works towards ensuring a proper and complete range of courses and is responsible for the further development and quality management of teaching.
Advisor of the Faculty 2 Dr. Andrea Ruf
The Faculty Advisor supports the Dean's Office in all financial matters, strategy development, resource planning and quality assurance of processes. She is also the contact person for all faculty-related matters for both internal departments and external partners.
Organisational management of Faculty 2 Diplom-Wirtschaftsinf. Sven Hoppen
Faculty-specific development and support of hybrid teaching and learning.