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Prof. Dr. Carsten Harms

Termin vereinbaren


The project will develop 2 innovative, sequential PCR systems that have integrated key questions in the analysis that are not answered by current SARS-CoV-2 analyses.

Development of a quorum sensing based on-site detection system for the detection of L. monocytogenes in matrix milk.


Development of the biochemical coupling procedures for antibody immobilization as well as QS bacteria on the innovative lateral flow designed for 25 ml. Determination of the optimal reaction conditions for the detection of 1 CFU L. monocytogenes.

Aptamer-based flow cytometer analysis for the detection of Legionella in drinking and process water


Aptamer-based flow cytometer analysis for the detection of Legionella in drinking and process water - This project aims to develop a rapid detection system for bacterial analysis in drinking and process water. The detection methodology to be developed represents a combination of enrichment and binding using nucleic acid-based reagents (aptamers) and fluorescence optical detection using flow cytometry. Translated with (free version)