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Dr. Joachim Henke

  • Pronoun: er/ihm
  • Functions: Leitung Forschung und Transfer
  • Tasks: Forschung und Transfer, behördlicher Datenschutzbeauftragter, BRIDGE-Berater für Existenzgründungsideen, Dozent für Chemie
  • Department:
    Research and Transfer
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Mahro, B., Eschenbach, A., Henke, J., Kloth, K.: Einfluss der Veränderung von Freilandbedingungen auf die Eluierbarkeit von PAK aus kontaminierten Boden- und Bauschuttmaterialien. Altlasten Spektrum 15. 224 - 229, 2006;

Henke, J.; Kropp, J. Evaluation of chloride resistance of concrete by material characteristics. COST521: Corrosion of Steel in Reinforced Concrete Structures, Annual Progress Report; 2001

Henke, J.; Engelmann, J.; Kutscher, B.; Nößner, G.; Engel, J.;Voegli, R.; Leibfritz, D.: Changes of intracellular calcium, fatty acids and phospholipids during Miltefosine-induced apoptosis monitored by fluorescence- and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Anticancer Research 19: 4027-32; 1999


Here, an anaerobic membrane bioreactor is used, which makes it possible to use 90% of the organic materials for biogas production instead of converting them directly into CO2 and sewage sludge as in the past. With natural zeolite mineral, ammonium is completely removed and can be converted into fertilizer.