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Study programme

Marine Resource Biotechnology (Biotechnologie der Marinen Ressourcen) Bachelor of Science

Using the resources of the sea

Tackling today's societal challenges such as climate change and pandemics requires the development of innovative and sustainable solutions: this is where biotechnologists have a vital role to play. Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field combining areas of bioanalytics with bioprocess engineering and the utilisation of organisms and cells. In the Marine Resource Biotechnology programme (Biotechnologie der Marinen Ressourcen), our special focus is on the ocean, investigating the diversity of marine resources and their potential for biotechnological use. The employment and research opportunities offered by organisations such as the Alfred Wegener Institute, the Thünen Institutes and regional and supra-regional companies provide a wide array of options for engaging with the utilisation of the ocean's potential.

Why choose this programm

  • Cutting-edge

    Unique study programme for exploration of marine biotechnological resources
  • Strength in cooperation

    Direct access to renowned marine research institutes such as AWI and Thünen
  • Double Degree

    Study at the Universidad EAFIT in Medellin, Colombia, from the 6th semester and obtain a double degree

Your future in biotechnology

Activities, research and professional profile

A Bachelor of Science degree opens up a broad array of future- and market-relevant career opportunities for biotechnologists. In addition to continuing their studies (MSc programme), biotechnologists can work in academic research as well as in applied research in biotechnology companies, medical diagnostics or microbial production and drug development/production at large or small companies or institutes. The special marine focus also offers career prospects in the field of environmental consulting/management for coastal and offshore projects and for bioresource utilisation such as passive/active fishing and aquaculture.

Facts about the study programme

  • Degree of Studies

    Bachelor of Science
  • Study Form

    Full-time study
  • Term of Admission

  • Term of Admission

    Winter semester
  • Main Course Language

  • Standard Period of Study

    7 Semester

The best of 'Marine resources' and 'Bio-Analytic'

The bachelor's degree programme comprises seven semesters. The first two semesters provide an overview of the biological and nonbiological basics. This includes subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, as well as zoology, botany and marine biology. The following semesters focus on teaching the contents of the two core areas of study, 'Marine Resources' and 'Bio-Analytics'. In the final two semesters during the project phase and the subsequent professional practice phase, there is the opportunity of undertaking scientific work in applied research projects and at biotechnology companies. The modules usually comprise 3 student workload hours per week (SWL/week), whereby 1 SWL/week is usually completed in the laboratory. In total, there are 42 modules with a scope of mostly 5 credit points (CP) per module and 30 CPs per semester. 210 CP are awarded for the bachelor's programme. The university also offers you the opportunity to take a double degree at EAFIT University Medellin in Colombia.

Programme overview

Admission and application

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Marine Resource Biotechnology

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Marine Resource Biotechnology

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