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Study programme

Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership (Gründung, Innovation, Führung) Bachelor of Arts

Now with a new curriculum!

Entrepreneurial thinking and teamwork skills

Do you want to create something new? Solve a problem in an entrepreneurial way? Make the world a little better? Do you want to do something that challenges your curiosity, versatility and creativity, while making independent decisions, collaborating with people of a similar mindset and learning in a self-determined way? Then you've come to the right place. In the 'Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership' (GIF) programme, it's best to forget that you're studying. Because the requirement for you is not to know something specific, but to do something specific, namely, to develop and run a real company as part of a large team.

Why choose this programme

  • The first Team Academy

    following the Finnish model in the German-speaking world
  • Awarded for excellence

    by the Stifterverband and the State of Bremen
  • A young and ambitious

    experimental, agile study programme since 2018
  • International & flexible

    Internship and/or semester abroad can be arranged according to your preferences

Entrepreneurial futures

Prospects for our graduates

After graduating from the study programme, you may want to work as a (social) entrepreneur in your own company. Perhaps even in a company that you founded with others during your studies, which happens relatively often here. Or you might build up a whole new organisation with a team, because, after all, you know how to do it. To achieve this, you can team up with graduates from other degree programmes. Combining your different skills creates new opportunities for all of you. Of course, established companies also come into consideration as employers. They will appreciate your independence, (self-)leadership skills and versatile working methods and may use you, for instance, as an intrapreneur in internal start-up and change projects. No matter which path you choose, you will be well prepared for lifelong learning and independent work in less structured, dynamic contexts.

Facts about the study programme

  • Degree of Studies

    Bachelor of Arts
  • Study Form

    Full-time study
  • Term of Admission

  • Term of Admission

    Winter semester, Exception: Summer semester 2023
  • Main Course Language

  • Standard Period of Study

    8 Semester

Modulhandbuch GIF ab WS 2024-2025

Modulhandbuch ab WS 2024-2025.pdf 1,4 MB , PDF

Prüfungsordnung GIF Oktober 2022

2022_10_27_ABl_Nr_0189_signed.pdf 406,3 KB , PDF

Learn at your own company

How do I use my network to find an innovative solution to a customer problem? How do I test a product idea quickly and cost-effectively with potential customers? How do I win the support of my team for a new project that will initially cost us money? How do I set up a web shop, automate a work process, pitch a business idea or practise good leadership culture? How do I talk to customers, manage projects, keep my finances under control or steer my personal development? How can we create a better world through entrepreneurship? These are typical questions that you will engage with for three years in the GIF programme in order to directly test the answers in practice in your own company.

Programme overview

Admission and application

Learn more about the study programme

Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership

If you have any questions we will be happy to help you Student Advisory Service, Study Mentors and Head of Programme


Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership

Hi, I'm Maike and I've been studying GIF since October 2022. I'm now in my 5th semester and working a lot on my web design project. I am happy to be your study mentor. So feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about the course, the university or life in Bremerhaven. I look forward to hearing from you!