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Researchers at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are working on software for climate-friendly goods delivery

Online retail is booming - and with it the number of delivery vehicles bringing goods directly to the door is also increasing. In the Green Delivery Analytics (GDA) project, researchers from the Smart Mobility Institute (SMI) at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences (project coordinator) are working with project partner Rytle X Group SE to develop a data-based analysis tool that can be used to make this so-called ‘last-mile delivery’ in Germany's eighty largest cities both climate-friendly and economical. The project is being funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) with a total of 1,950,000 euros as part of the mFUND innovation initiative.


What is delaying the expansion of renewable energies?

Wind energy is an important building block for achieving climate neutrality in Germany. However, expansion is stalling. In order to find out which characteristics have a positive or negative influence on the realisation of wind farms, the research team at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences conducted a survey with experts as part of the WindGISKI joint project. This should help artificial intelligence (AI) to evaluate areas and thus predict the prospects of success of a wind energy project. The initial results of the survey have now been published.


Clarissa Böhme's contribution to the Aqua2024 conference

Aqua2024 in Copenhagen is a conference focussing on the topic of sustainable aquaculture. Clarissa Böhme, a student from Bremerhaven, will be presenting the results of her bachelor's thesis in a lecture. In her research, she investigated the growth rate of an algae species on miniature shellfish towers at different salinities and levels of the shellfish tower.


Passion for education and research

Who will find Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences the best fit, Ann-Kathrin?
What makes teaching at this university so special for you, Prof. Wagner vom Berg?
What makes research so unique for you at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Bosse?

Passionate about research

The university has four research clusters in which it works on a broad range of topics to address the societal challenges of our times.
Discover all four research clusters by clicking on the tabs.

Living, teaching, researching: working by the sea

Career at Bremerhaven University at Applied Sciences