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The Bremerhaven International Summer School takes place on the campus of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. Since it was first offered in 2003, over 1000 students and lecturers from more than 20 countries have taken part in this intercultural event in the seaside city in northern Germany.

The interdisciplinary course for national and international students from all fields of study in English lasts two weeks and will take place from August 3 to 17, 2024.

Joint company visits and an accompanying cultural and tourist program with excursions to attractive sights will enable participants to engage in a lively intercultural exchange and get to know the maritime environment.
In addition, 5 ECTS credits are awarded for successful participation in the course.

The Bremerhaven International Summer School is organized by the Institute for Economics and Management (IME) at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and is run by the Verein zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung an der Hochschule Bremerhaven e.V. (Association for the Promotion of Academic Continuing Education at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences).

Participating students from international and national partner universities of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences pay a reduced course fee.

The nomination deadline for partner universities is May 15, 2024 and the application deadline is May 31, 2024.

In memory of Atie and Wouter Siddré, the founders and spiritual mentors of our International Summer School Project,

starting 2002 in Rotterdam, from where it moved to Bremerhaven in 2003.
Since then 18 summer school programs with more than 500 participants from all over the world took place at the campus of Hochschule Bremerhaven and we are grateful to its founders for their initial spirit for this international event.
Our this year Summer School 2024 will be the last one of its kind and is proudly dedicated to Atie and Wout, who both passed away the years before.

Ready, set, go: starting signal for the 18th International Summer School 28 students from 14 nations

are guests at the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

This year's International Summer School at Bremerhaven University started with a handcart race. Almost 30 students from 14 countries came to Seestadt to spend two weeks together in workshops and seminars, critically reflecting on global economic, social and technological challenges and working on solutions. The International Summer School 2024 is dedicated to the late founders Atie and Wout Siddré.

Team 5's mood is exuberant. When the starting signal sounds, the general babble of voices in the event room at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is briefly drowned out by loud cheers as the students navigate the cone course in their colorfully decorated handcart. When you reach the finish line, there is great celebration: you have won the race.

The fact that the International Summer School starts with a small sporting event is a cherished tradition: the handcart kits from the furniture store have ensured that students get to know each other better for many years. “When they build the car together, they are forced to talk to each other. In this way, language barriers are immediately broken down and the participants can exchange ideas,” says organizer Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Feldmeier, Dean of Faculty 2. Therefore, overall victory is not only determined by who crosses the course the fastest, but also by which team communicated best and worked together as a group.

“Changes, challenges and sensitivities in unpredictable times” – that is the title of the 18th Summer School. A varied program of seminars, workshops and excursions awaits participants until August 17th. Seven local student buddies accompany them and are particularly available to help foreign students with questions. “The International Summer School is a great opportunity for intercultural exchange for students. Nowhere else do so many nations come together in this density, get to know each other and make friends,” says Prof. Feldmeier. In addition to students from 14 nations, including Japan, China, Thailand, Pakistan, India, Yemen and various European countries, teachers from Indonesia, Colombia, Thailand, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, France and Germany are also on site .

The first summer school took place in Rotterdam in 2002 and was moved to Bremerhaven the following year. The tradition will now end there after a break due to the pandemic – at least in the usual way. “It is the last summer school that will take place with this program and these participants and also the last one that I will organize. But for the future, some of my colleagues at the university are already thinking about how the event can continue to live in a different format,” says Prof. Feldmeier. Since 2003, over 1,000 students and teachers from more than 20 countries have taken part in the intercultural event in the northern German Seestadt. This year's International Summer School is dedicated to the late founders Atie and Wouter Siddré from Rotterdam, who came up with the idea for the event.

The Bremerhaven International Summer School is organized by the Institute for Economics and Management (IME) at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and is financially supported by the Association for the Promotion of Scientific Continuing Education at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences e.V.

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